How To Remove The Swipe On CometChatGroupMembers

Remove The Swipe On CometChatGroupMembers

This guide provides an outline of how you can remove the swipe feature on the CometChatGroupMembers provided in our Flutter UI Kit.

Guide Details

Language/Framework: Dart

UI Kit Version:

cometchat_chat_uikit: ^4.5.7

CometChatGroupMembers Documentation:


Disabling the swipe feature in CometChatGroupMembers is straightforward. To achieve this, simply pass an empty list to the options property in the CometChatGroupMembers class:

  group: group,
  options: (group, member, controller, context) {
     // Pass an empty list here
     return [];

Run Your App

After implementing the changes, run your app and you’ll see that the swipe feature has been removed.